Women’s Health Services

painting by Jeremy Harper

Home >> Women’s Health Services

Annual Health Exams

In addition to pregnancy services, we also offer Annual Exams to non-pregnant women of all ages. This includes an hour or more visit to cover an in-depth review of your complete history (medical, gynecological, sexual, & family), a physical exam including breast exam and pap smear, blood work, and referrals as needed including mammogram and ultrasound. This comprehensive visit is personalized and held in the comfortable environment of the Santa Barbara Birth Center.

Frequently Asked Questions About The Birth Center And Our Services

Preconception Counseling

If you are planning to conceive we are happy to see you and go over helpful information towards preparing you & your body for a healthy pregnancy and what you can expect in the first few weeks of pregnancy. This includes but is not limited to a holistic view of diet, genetic testing, fertility & cycle awareness. We take a full health history, perform a physical exam and order lab work as needed.

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